Up or Getting Up

Generating Focus and Energy Without the Stress

For many of us, including myself at one point in time, the glow of a looming deadline is what finally kicks us in to gear to get something done.  Sometimes, we even set artificial deadlines for ourself to provide that motivational factor to finish something that we have been putting off.  For those who identify with these behaviors,  “I work best under pressure” is our mantra!

There is a scientific explanation for why some people work best under pressure. When we are under pressure to accomplish something, our body starts...

Have You Dropped Your Withered Leaves?

I don’t know about where you live, but here in North Texas we are getting a wonderful demonstration from nature.  The trees in our area are showing us the beauty that springs forward once you have gotten rid of all the dead elements in your life.  During the Fall, we saw the withering leaves trying to desperately hold on.  From a human perspective, the trees reached a point where it seemed there was a lot of “dead wood” burdening their branches.  Eventually, the trees let go of all those dead leaves.  For a period of time, the trees seemed lifeless and one had to wonder if they would be able to bounce back.  Looking at those trees now, the blossoms are in full bloom and the green leaves are beginning to emerge.  The beauty is astounding!

All of us go through periods in our life just like that.  Elements in our life...

Living Life with No Regrets

One of the key principles for living life either Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) is living life with no regrets.  The most important element of this principle is that it is a life-long endeavor.  When I talk about “No Regrets”, I am talking about a lifetime of no regrets.  This is a practiced skill, which simply means that the more you focus on living life with no regrets, the better you get at it.  

Your journey to a life of no regrets consists of focusing on, getting control of, and managing to three elements.  Those three elements are:

  1. Getting control of the here and now
  2. Securing your future
  3. Engaging with and enjoying your life

The first step is...

What is Your Breakfast For Your Mind?

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast provides you needed fuel and energy to get through your busy day.  Breakfast can help kick start your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories throughout the day.  There are also studies that show that eating breakfast will help you maintain focus and concentration, leading to greater productivity.  Other studies have shown that starting your day off with a good breakfast leads to lower bad cholesterol and a reduced risk of heart disease.  In short, starting your day off with a good breakfast leads to an overall better day and, if done consistently, an overall better life.

While a good breakfast can help support our physical self, our mental self also requires support in our pursuit of a life of being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down.)  Just as we need to feed our body good fuel, we need to feed our mind good fuel, too.  We feed our mind through...

One of the Values of Being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down)

People who choose (and it is a choice) to live a life of being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) bring value into the lives of those around them.  Think about this from your own perspective:  Who do you seek out when you are feeling down or sad?  Is it the negative people in your life?  I doubt it!  We seek out those with a positive outlook on life.  Why?  Because it is those people that have the ability to help us “get up” when life has knocked has down.  UP people are the ones that...

Instead of New Year's Resolutions, Try Intentions Instead

It's that time of year when many people’s thoughts turn to making resolutions for the new year.  It is a time to refresh, clean up, or start over.  It is a time to let go of those things that are bringing you down and to more decisively engage in those things that bring you Up.  While I am not big on making resolutions, as such, I am a big believer in setting goals and then charting a path to achieve those goals.  

As I head in to 2017, one of my goals is to be more diligent in living a life of being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down.)  Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) recognizes that life...

Wrapping UP 2016: 6 Things to Close by Year-End

I have a confession to make:  I am exhausted!  Don’t get me wrong, this is the good kind of exhaustion that comes from putting a lot of energy into something you really love.  This last week has been full of being with the people I love most, eating some of my favorite meals, and fully enjoying all the blessing that come with this particular holiday season.  In short, it has all been pure joy!  But now, as things begin to settle back down, my thoughts turn to all the “Things to Finish” that are in front of me now.  The end of the year always triggers a flurry of activities that must be closed out before starting the new year.  Among them...

A Season of Thankfulness

The holiday season is upon us once again.  I love this time of year!  The weather, here in Texas, has finally begun to cool off and there is a crispness in the air.  Holiday decorations are going up everywhere.  The kitchen at our house has gotten very busy with preparations for the big meal tomorrow and everything smells so good!  There is SO much to be Up and thankful for.  

It is during this time of year where we find ourselves reflecting on all those things for which we are thankful. Cognitive science has shown...

Up or Getting Up (But Never Down)

Welcome to Up or Getting Up (But Never Down). This blog is dedicated to helping individuals lead a more joyful, happy, productive life. It is here I will be sharing ideas, tips, and techniques that you can easily adopt in your life so that your life is more positive and you are a more positive influence on people in your life.

It is...