DiSC Workshop
Disc workshop
This 4-hour workshop presents a plan to help you understand yourself and others in a specific environment. That environment can be work, family, church, or even your social group. Each participant will discover their own behavioral profile. The workshop is designed to help you understand yourself and others. The profile is not a test. You cannot pass or fail, but responding to the profile provides you with a framework for understanding why you respond the way you do and techniques for driving improved cooperation and communication with others.
who should attend
This seminar is great for any group of individuals that would like to improve cooperation and communication with their team, reduce (potential) conflict, and/or drive further productivity through better team relationships.
what you will learn
You are the central focus in this workshop as you heighten your understanding of your own behavioral profile and identify the environment most conducive to your success. At the same time, you will learn about the differences of others and the environment they require for maximum productivity and teamwork.
what's covered
- Defining your personal behavior profile
- Understanding the type of environment that is most conducive to your success
- Understanding how your behavioral style is perceived by other behavioral styles
- Clarifying the difference between "intent" and "impact"
- Reducing potential conflict through greater awareness of behavioral styles
- Driving team productivity as a result of better understanding of each other
- Improving communication, especially among different behavioral styles
- Understanding why a diverse group of behavioral styles is best for productivity even though it creates more challenges in communication and cooperation