Manage Yourself

Generating Focus and Energy Without the Stress

For many of us, including myself at one point in time, the glow of a looming deadline is what finally kicks us in to gear to get something done.  Sometimes, we even set artificial deadlines for ourself to provide that motivational factor to finish something that we have been putting off.  For those who identify with these behaviors,  “I work best under pressure” is our mantra!

There is a scientific explanation for why some people work best under pressure. When we are under pressure to accomplish something, our body starts...

One of the Values of Being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down)

People who choose (and it is a choice) to live a life of being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) bring value into the lives of those around them.  Think about this from your own perspective:  Who do you seek out when you are feeling down or sad?  Is it the negative people in your life?  I doubt it!  We seek out those with a positive outlook on life.  Why?  Because it is those people that have the ability to help us “get up” when life has knocked has down.  UP people are the ones that...

Wrapping UP 2016: 6 Things to Close by Year-End

I have a confession to make:  I am exhausted!  Don’t get me wrong, this is the good kind of exhaustion that comes from putting a lot of energy into something you really love.  This last week has been full of being with the people I love most, eating some of my favorite meals, and fully enjoying all the blessing that come with this particular holiday season.  In short, it has all been pure joy!  But now, as things begin to settle back down, my thoughts turn to all the “Things to Finish” that are in front of me now.  The end of the year always triggers a flurry of activities that must be closed out before starting the new year.  Among them...

21 4-Letter Words for Your Holiday Season

Last week I wrote an article on how to reduce your Holiday Stress and Overwhelm.  I received a lot of nice messages about how helpful the article was. If you missed it, click here to read it!  I also received feedback that sometimes, for some people, the stress and the overwhelm builds to a level inside of you that you just need to LET IT OUT!  (Their words, not mine!)  

Even when we do our best to minimize stress and overwhelm, things can get to us.  In an effort to help in this regard, I decided to address that subject in this week’s article.  I do understand that feelings can build in each of us to the point that we just want to scream…

6 Key Steps to Reduce Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

Few things in life can bring on new highs for stress levels like the holiday season. There is so much going on during this time of year in both our personal and professional lives.  For many of us, year end brings about a bounty of dead-line induced activities, added to our already overloaded plate, all of which needs to get wrapped up by December 31.  And speaking of wrapped up, there are all those gifts to buy for a ton of people on your list.  The extra strain on the personal finances is a big contributor to our stress levels.  Add in potential travel, kids out of school, holiday baking, decorations to put up, getting your home clean for the company that is coming, and, oh yeah, all the stuff that is already on your “to do” list, it’s no wonder...

Post Election: Up or Getting Up

Election day has finally came and went and our lives continue.  The country was obviously very divided for this election and, as a result, about half of the people are waking up this morning happy that their candidate won, and about half are waking up feeling like this country is doomed.  This would still be the case if the election had gone the other way.

If your candidate lost, I have included some ideas for “getting up”...

The Difference A Day Makes

It is empowering to know that living a life of Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) is a choice that we make on a daily basis.  Let's take a simple example:  Yesterday was a great day.  You were happy.  You were excited for life.  You were energized.  You smiled at the people you passed in the halls.  It was a really good day!  Today, however, sucks.  Big time. You're in a bad mood.  Nothing seems to be going right.  You are not happy.  You are definitely not energized or, if you are, it is a very negative energy.  What changed?  Barring some...

The NASA Principle in a Life of Up or Getting Up

One of the key concepts for living a life of Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) is "Manage Yourself," and one of the key elements of managing yourself is to get a handle on everything you are wanting/needing to finish.  This would include the little things, like "Get new tires put on the car" to the big things, like "Retire financially secure by the time I am 50."   In other words, a full list of ALL your goals and dreams - big and small.  When I am talking to my audience about their goals and dreams, I share this with them:  The more extraordinary your goals and dreams the more inherently impossible it is to figure out everything that needs to happen in order to achieve those goals and dreams. Sadly, for many people, that is the reason that they don't pursue...