No Regrets

Living Life with No Regrets

One of the key principles for living life either Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) is living life with no regrets.  The most important element of this principle is that it is a life-long endeavor.  When I talk about “No Regrets”, I am talking about a lifetime of no regrets.  This is a practiced skill, which simply means that the more you focus on living life with no regrets, the better you get at it.  

Your journey to a life of no regrets consists of focusing on, getting control of, and managing to three elements.  Those three elements are:

  1. Getting control of the here and now
  2. Securing your future
  3. Engaging with and enjoying your life

The first step is...

Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will

Be honest.  At some point in your life, you had one of those "million dollar ideas", didn't you?  Maybe you thought of some amazing product, but then convinced yourself that it would never actually sell. Maybe you thought of some cool new app, but talked yourself out of it because you didn't know how to develop it or market it once it was ready. I see this happen to people all of the time. They have some great idea, but then their brain starts talking themselves out of it. We begin to doubt ourselves, doubt our skills, or doubt our ability to...