Have You Dropped Your Withered Leaves?
I don’t know about where you live, but here in North Texas we are getting a wonderful demonstration from nature. The trees in our area are showing us the beauty that springs forward once you have gotten rid of all the dead elements in your life. During the Fall, we saw the withering leaves trying to desperately hold on. From a human perspective, the trees reached a point where it seemed there was a lot of “dead wood” burdening their branches. Eventually, the trees let go of all those dead leaves. For a period of time, the trees seemed lifeless and one had to wonder if they would be able to bounce back. Looking at those trees now, the blossoms are in full bloom and the green leaves are beginning to emerge. The beauty is astounding!
All of us go through periods in our life just like that. Elements in our life that were once meaningful to us, have withered away. The question is: Are you still hanging on any of that dead wood? Maybe it was someone that you were very close to, but they pulled away or you just grew apart. Maybe you have outgrown your current job, but you can’t seem to let go of the security of it and look for something better. Maybe someone just did you wrong and you are still holding on to resentment, or worse, outright hate.
Move on from relationships that withered and no longer add value. Recognize your worth in your job and find the courage to seek new opportunities. Choose to forgive those that have hurt you, let go of the negative feelings, and move forward with your life. It is time to let those leaves drop from your life and let the beauty of new life emerge. Choose to get back Up!
God Bless,
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