What is Your Breakfast For Your Mind?
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast provides you needed fuel and energy to get through your busy day. Breakfast can help kick start your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories throughout the day. There are also studies that show that eating breakfast will help you maintain focus and concentration, leading to greater productivity. Other studies have shown that starting your day off with a good breakfast leads to lower bad cholesterol and a reduced risk of heart disease. In short, starting your day off with a good breakfast leads to an overall better day and, if done consistently, an overall better life.
While a good breakfast can help support our physical self, our mental self also requires support in our pursuit of a life of being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down.) Just as we need to feed our body good fuel, we need to feed our mind good fuel, too. We feed our mind through what we choose to focus on and what we choose to think about. By choosing to intentionally focus on the good things in our life and choosing to have some positive thoughts in the morning can have a positive affect on the rest of the day. In short, one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
I was fortunate to have author and speaker Lewis Timberlake in my life as a friend and mentor. Lewis was one of the most UP people I have ever had in my life. Lewis frequently talked about the importance of starting your day off on a positive thought. One of the statements that I heard Lewis repeat on many occasions was “Too many people wake up in the morning saying “Good God, it’s Morning” when they should be waking up and saying “Good Morning, God!”
When our first thoughts are negative, it can skew our entire day towards the negative. We get started off on the wrong foot and we seemingly stay “out of rhythm" the rest of the day. On the other hand (or foot?), when we start our day off with a focus on the positive, it can jump start an entire day of positivity. A positive day, leads to a positive week, which leads to a positive month, which leads to…well, you get the idea! It is an important part of living our life Up or Getting Up (But Never Down).
By the way, it is a LOT easier to start our day off on a positive thought when we make the conscious decision to end our day reflecting on the good things that happened that day. Not every day is a good day, but virtually every day had something good within it, if we choose to see it!
Wrapping It All UP:
Just like a good breakfast sets a positive tone for the rest of our physical day, choosing to feed our minds positive thoughts when we start our day can set a positive tone for the rest of our mental day. Reflecting each evening on the good that came out of the day will make it easier to start your day off on a positive note.
I hope the rest of your week is full of UP days!
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