21 4-Letter Words for Your Holiday Season
Last week I wrote an article on how to reduce your Holiday Stress and Overwhelm. I received a lot of nice messages about how helpful the article was. If you missed it, click here to read it! I also received feedback that sometimes, for some people, the stress and the overwhelm builds to a level inside of you that you just need to LET IT OUT! (Their words, not mine!)
Even when we do our best to minimize stress and overwhelm, things can get to us. In an effort to help in this regard, I decided to address that subject in this week’s article. I do understand that feelings can build in each of us to the point that we just want to scream…often at someone that doesn’t really deserve it. Maybe it is the store clerk who can’t help you locate the item you are looking for (although they are a minimum wage seasonal worker who is just trying to make some extra money to get them through the holidays). Maybe it is the cashier at the grocery store that we unload on because of how long we had to wait in line (even though it is not their fault that 40 people decided to check out at the same time as you.) Whatever is the driving force, the next time you find yourself losing your Up or Getting Up attitude, here are some 4-letter words to sprinkle in to your vocabulary. These words can be used on anybody, but they are the most effective to use when you encounter someone that “really deserves it.”
The power to choose our attitude and decide how we are going to respond in any given situation is ALWAYS within our control. We also have the power to positively influence most any given situation, if we will just choose to accept that responsibility. The next time you encounter a person or situation when your inner spirit just wants to explode, just stop, take a deep breath, and smile. Choose kindness and compassion over insults and outrage. You CAN make a difference, not only in your own life, but in the lives of other people, and THAT is what being Up or Getting Up (But Never Down) is all about!
Be sure to visit and “like” our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/uporgettingup). If you are interested in bringing James in to speak to your organization or group (or just want additional information), please contact us by clicking here (go ahead…you know you want to!)
Up or Getting Up (But Never Down),