Post Election: Up or Getting Up
Election day has finally came and went and our lives continue. The country was obviously very divided for this election and, as a result, about half of the people are waking up this morning happy that their candidate won, and about half are waking up feeling like this country is doomed. This would still be the case if the election had gone the other way.
If your candidate lost, I have included some ideas for “getting up” if you are feeling knocked down today. If your candidate won and you are feeling particularly “Up” today, I have included some ideas for treating people around you so that you are not negatively impacting those who are not feeling as Up about the results as you are.
If you are feeling down this morning, here are a variety of things you can do to help yourself get back up:
- Exercise: Go for a long walk or maybe a run. Getting fresh oxygen into the blood system has a calming affect, not to mention the other physical benefits of exercise.
- Eat well: Good nutrition can help the body restore a natural balance. Stress eating, on the other hand, can bring about further negative feelings, especially about ourselves.
- Do something kind for someone else: Nothing can lift a person up like lifting up someone else. Volunteer with your favorite organization or go visit some children and their families at the Children’s Hospital.
- Focus on completing a specific project: The brain only has one processing channel, so deeply focusing on something in particular will ensure that you are not dwelling on something that is bringing you down.
- Do something spontaneous: Go to the zoo (spending time around animals always makes me feel better!) Go the mall and buy a new outfit. Go have lunch with a friend you haven’t seen in awhile.
- Read a good book: Getting in to a great novel can put you in a better mood
- Take a nap: If you stayed up late last night waiting for the outcome of the election, you didn’t get much sleep. Give your body a chance to recharge.
- Pray: For each other, for our nation, for our troops, for our children
If your candidate won, here are some things to do and some things to keep in mind:
- This is no time to gloat or be arrogant. These types of reactions only spread negative feelings to those around you. Not everyone shares your feelings for the outcome so be sensitive to others.
- Be supportive. Help others who are struggling.
- Take someone to lunch. Reinforce your friendship.
- Give people some space. Sometimes people need a little time on their own.
- Pray: For each other, for our nation, for our troops, for our children
Remember that ultimately our attitude is a decision that we make every day. In the words of holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl “The last of human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
I hope you are either Up or Getting Up today! If you would like to focus on some positive messages, please visit us on Facebook: